Easton Public Market to welcome Hellertown butcher steeped in family tradition

There’ll be a new face in the front of the Easton Public Market in August.

Saylors & Co., a Hellertown-based butcher, will be carving out space in the Easton food scene from its post at the Northampton Street entrance of the Downtown Easton market.

The butcher is set to open Aug. 6, offering primarily prime cuts of pork, chicken, beef, lamb, veal and bison, as well as 40 types of sausage, according to market owner, the Greater Easton Development Partnership. The opening date had been Aug. 5 but was delayed, the GEDP said.

There’ll also be smoked meats, some Italian groceries like pasta, made-to-order sandwiches and more available in what Saylors & Co. describes on Facebook as an expansion to a new location.

The market is open for outdoor dining noon to 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, in addition to curbside pickup from vendors.

This butcher replaces another, as it’ll occupy the space that was vacated by Dundore & Heister, which left the market in January. Saylors & Co. planned to open in the spring, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the opening date was pushed back.

The Saylors family brings a long Easton tradition to the public market. Saylors & Co. co-owner Tim Mease’s grandfather was Samuel Saylor, who operated Saylor’s Valley Brook Farm — a vendor at the Easton Farmers’ Market during the 1940s. Around the same time, he established a butcher shop in Hellertown.

Mease himself is a fourth-generation butcher who previously ran a store inside the Allentown Farmers’ Market, and across the aisle was his now-co-owner Maria Verzino, who was running an Italian food stand. They married and merged their businesses into Saylors & Co., making the whole story of the shop a true family affair.

The addition of Saylors & Co. isn’t the only change happening in Easton Public Market. Olive With A Twist and Fieldstone Coffee Roasters & Tea are both leaving the market, and spots are available for new vendors.